Healthy Smiles & Success in School

Healthy Smiles & Success in School

The start of a new school year is approaching fast. It’s time to get school supplies, new clothes, and a dental checkup to start the year with a smile.

If you don’t have a dental exam on your checklist, you may want to add one after reading today’s post. Good oral health just might help your kids stay in class.

Every year, children across the United States miss more than 51 million hours of instruction due to oral health problems. Routine dental care at the office of Brian Davey DDS can help you avoid many preventable problems.

To make an appointment at our San Diego, CA dental office, please call 858-762-9991.

Tooth Decay Can Affect School Success

In a recent survey, 1 in 7 children between the ages of 6 and 12 reported having a toothache in the previous six months. A separate survey of students found that students who reported having tooth pain were four times more likely to have low grades compared to their peers.

We know this doesn’t prove that healthy teeth = success in school.

But it does show that poor oral health could interfere with how students perform in the classroom. It’s not hard to figure out why a painful toothache could be a problem.

Imagine trying to listen to your teacher presenting that day’s math lesson. At the same time, you are trying to ignore the pain in your mouth. Every now and again, the pain seems to get worse, and you miss part of what your teacher said. When you try to work on the assignment, you know there’s something you are missing, but the pain makes you want to visit the school nurse instead of working on it.

At lunch, eating may be painful, too, if you already have a cavity or, worse, an infected tooth. If you aren’t able to eat, you may not have the energy to focus that afternoon.

Prevent & Treat Problems NOW

As a parent, you understand that education can open doors for your daughter or son in the future. Also as a parent, you want your child to be as healthy as possible.

By scheduling a dental checkup before classes begin, you can avoid a situation like the one described above. As part of your child’s visit, we’ll complete a professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

We’ll also conduct a thorough dental exam to check for any signs of problems developing. We hope for your son or daughter’s sake that we don’t find anything. At the same time, we would prefer to find those problems today. We think you will agree that taking care of a problem now is better than dealing with a dental emergency in a month or two.

Let’s Keep Your Kids Smiling

They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well, it takes a team effort to keep mouths as healthy as possible. As far as we’re concerned, everyone at our office is part of your dental health support team.

We can only help if you come to see us, however. To request your appointment at Dr. Davey’s office, contact us online or call 858-762-9991.